
In memory of Prof. Enrico Tiscornia

He was the past President of Italian Society for Fats Research, Academic of National Italian Academy of olive and olive oil , awarded in 2010 with Stefano Fachini golden medal. He had been a part of the last quarter of century of research activities on lipids, collocating himself at the center of related national and international research activities carried out both by personal work as well as through the Italian Society for Fats Research.

He was full professor of Food Chemistry, at the Dept. of Pharmaceutical and Food Chemistry DCTFA) (formerly Faculty of Pharmacy) at University of Genoa and Professor of Food Chemistry at University – “Campus Biomedico” in Rome too.
The activity of Prof. Tiscornia was mainly carried out at University of Genoa where, thanks to his leadership, a “school” has been established. ( Many researchers cooperate with him, and this is a witness of his creativity.

On 1996, November 28th, following the Riccardo Monacelli’s intuition and motivation, Prof. Tiscornia founded, together with other eminent Colleagues, the Italian Society of Nutrition (SISA), one of the earlier scientific societies dealing with food topics, that was later joined by the national health institute (ISS) activities.
Prof. Tiscornia chaired the “Interdivisional Group of Food Chemistry ”of Italian Chemical Society, the subcommittee Vegetal oils of the Italian Technical Committee of Italian Ministry of Productive Activities (formerly Ministry on Industry), the Committee for analytical methods on edible fats and oils updating by Italian Agriculture Ministry as well as the Italian Group of Codex Alimentarius Fats and Oils Committee. He was Italian delegate at IUPAC, (fats and Oils section) on behalf of Italian Council for Scientific Research (CNR), as well as Italian delegate at UE Commission (formerly EEC Commission) within the Group of Chemists Expert on of Olive Oils and Italian delegate at International Olive Council (Olive oil chemistry group. During his assignment at UE, he had been one of the scientists in charge of preparing the UE Regulation on olive oil: the work of this group leaded to the adoption of the Reg (CEE) 2568/91 that had been the cornerstone of any further regulation on olive oils.

Within this, Prof Tiscornia directly collaborated on for creating and planning collaborative tests to validate some analytical methods, his capability of being engaged in long discussions without losing his calm, and looking for diplomacy, even in conflictual and bad situations, enduring great and positive results, overturning negative situations into positive situations thanks to his approach. During his managing board in meetings of SISSG, as secretary and as President, Prof. Tiscornia has always conducted discussion with a great concrete approach that joined to his scientific equilibrium, that was very important within that group, ensured the respect of technical aspects, taking care to respect previous decisions.
Prof. Tiscornia had been very efficient in mediating between divergent proposals within the Managing board meetings, thanks to his deep knowledge in Fats and Oils Fields of production and control.
During his managing board in meetings of SISSG, as secretary and as President, Prof. Tiscornia has always conducted discussion with a great concrete approach that joined to his scientific equilibrium, that was very important within that group, ensured the respect of technical aspects, taking care to respect previous decisions.
Prof. Tiscornia had been very efficient in mediating between divergent proposals within the Managing board meetings, thanks to his deep knowledge in Fats and Oils Fields of production and control. Prof. Tiscornia, leading SISSG after prof, Fedeli, promoted further studies on new analytical parameters suitable to evaluate olive oils, at national and international situation.
Thanks to the leadership of prof. Tiscornia, SISSG work had been efficient in reaching successes through the results of collaborative experimentations, that were used worldwide for the control of European quality oil.

Webinar Nordic Lipid Forum 11-12 novembre 2020

The Nordic LipidForum proudly presents a webinar entitled Lipidi in una società sostenibile – dalle materie prime all’inclusione nella nostra dieta, “Lipids in a sustainable society – from raw materials to inclusion in our diet“.

Originally at Chalmers University of Technology in GothenburgSweden, but due to the corona pandemic situation, we now go online. The webinar will be arranged on the 11th and 12th of November 2020.

Further information are available at Nordic Lipid Forum's website

Rinvio Congresso SISSG al 2022

Durante il Convegno di Bologna del 2019 ci siamo promessi di rivederci nel 2021 per il congresso generale della Società, per ovvi motivi legati alla pandemia in corso:

il Consiglio Direttivo della Società, nella seduta del 14 Ottobre 2020, in considerazione della situazione determinata dalla pandemia COVID-19 che non consente di fare previsioni attendibili, ha deliberato di rinviare alla primavera del 2022 il congresso che si sarebbe dovuto svolgere a Perugia nella primavera del 2021, ferma restando la sede del Congresso stesso.

Nell’augurio unanime di conclusione di questo sfortunato periodo, vi aggiorneremo su possibili novità ed eventuali iniziative.

Contribute to the Italian "Protezione Civile" within the frame Covid - 19 emergency

SISSG decided, bearing in mind the critical situation of our country depending on Covid-19, to donate 5.000€ to the Protezione Civile.

E’ una piccola somma, compatibile con il bilancio della Società, ma crediamo che in questo momento, ogni contributo, per piccolo che sia, possa comunque essere utile.

We take the occasion to communicate that, also depending on the same reason, the wks of Shelf Life initially scheduled at end of may/ first of june as well as general congress will be posticipated.

Pubblicazione statuto aggiornato

In occasione dell'assemblea straordinaria della SISSG svolta a Bologna il 13 dicembre 2019 è stato aggiornato lo statuto. 


Ricordiamo inoltre a tutti i soci di rinnovare l'iscrizione alla SISSG per poter accedere all'area riservata da cui è possibile scaricare documenti riferiti ai congressi della società.

Per i nuovi soci:

I soci possono essere: onorari, collettivi, ordinari. Possono essere accolti dal Consiglio Direttivo quali Soci Onorari le persone fisiche italiane e straniere che, per meriti scientifici o per particolari benemerenze nel settore delle sostanze grasse sono riconosciuti benemeriti della Società. La loro nomina è a vita. Possono essere Soci Collettivi, Società italiane culturali, industriali, Ditte, Enti pubblici, Laboratori e Associazioni di Categoria. Possono essere Soci Ordinari, le persone fisiche italiane e straniere, interessate mediante la loro provata attività scientifica o tecnica al settore delle sostanze grasse.

Workshop su M0SH&MOAH negli olii e grassi alimentari

A Bologna nei giorni 12 e 13 dicembre 2019 si svolgerà il workshop internazionale "Mosh e Moah negli olii e grassi alimentari: aspetti tossicologici e analitici, fonti di contaminazione" presso l'Hotel Savoia. 

On December, 12th - 13th 2019 SISSG will organize in Bologna the International Workshop "Mosh & Moah in edible oils and fats: toxicologic and analytical issues, sources of contamination".

The Workshop will be at Hotel Savoia.


6th MS Food Day in Camerino (MC)

6th MS Food Day

High quality, healthy and safe food, with good nutritional and sensory characteristics, are necessary for a satisfactory quality of life. For this reason, authentication and traceability of foodstuffs, characterization of food components, quality control, identification and quantification of additives, allergens, chemical and microbiological contaminants, preservation of food components during storage and processing, packaging technology, determination of nutritional and sensory properties, are essential for citizens and consumers with widespread consequences on health, and on agriculture, industry and economy.

6th ms food day

In all these aspects mass spectrometry plays a key role. The impressive evolution of its applications, methods, instrumentation and technology yielded highly sensitive, specific, fast, robust and validated methods that are fundamental tools in food science and technology.

The 6th MS Food DAY is a biannual conference focused on all topics related to the use, methods and applications of mass spectrometry in food.
It represents an excellent occasion for presenting the state-of-the-art of mass spectrometry in food chemistry & technology, along with the latest innovations and novelty in instrumentation and applications.
As already testified by the successful previous editions, this will also create the optimum opportunity to meet the needs and opportunities of academic institutions, research and control institutions, private enterprises and food companies.



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